
Thursday 3 January 2013

Grandma Series 4: The Motherload of all Crocheted Creations

To end my Grandma Series on Lola Viring and to start 2013 with a bang, I will be showing you the motherload of Lola Viring's creations - her crocheted wearables.

Just look at what I'm talking about.
These crocheted clothes were the only ones she kept for herself. I asked her if she can recall how many blouses and skirts she crocheted. She said she probably made 10 truckloads of them. I believe her. People used to come to her house and order these clothes. Some of her clients were "balikbayans." They'd bring them to other countries and give them as "pasalubong" or sell them at higher prices.
Lola Viring is amazing. She made all these without following any pattern. She said she doesn't even know how to read or write crochet patterns. She made these clothes from pure technique and imagination. I love the way the sleeves fall on this blouse.
Want to see the rest? Click the link below!

I like the colors on this one.
Lola Viring has retired from accepting crocheted orders. Although she still crochets, she's already having a hard time working continuously and taking on big projects. Don't get her wrong though. At 81, she doesn't wear any glasses and has not experienced any hand ailment from crocheting since she started at age 15.
Being in the room with all these crocheted clothes was an intense moment. I can't stop raving about them in front of Lola Viring. If there is such a thing as being a groupie in crochet, then I'd call myself a hookie. I am officially Lola Viring's hookie. Look at the blouses below!
And this one.
And...this one.
My goodness. There's even a skirt.
There's just too many blouses! I'm a hookie! And Lola Viring is my rock and roll star.
Oh, these are just some pieces from one side of the room. There's another side.
I wasn't able to document every single article in this room. There's just too many of them.
At the end of the day, I just want you to revel in what Lola Viring has done. They don't make it like them anymore, you know. It's actually a good thing when people associate crochet with grandmas, because there's a story to tell there. It's a privilege to meet Lola Viring. I wish I could be at least half the crocheter that she is. I even got pretty sentimental about that visit, I guess because all this work can just stop at her. There are no patterns to pass. Or even a grandchild who is interested to pursue this craft.

I hope, somehow, she inspires you to be patient with your hands. And to revel in what you can do with them.
You can check my previous entries on Lola Viring in the following links:
Grandma Series 1: V for Viring
Grandma Series 2: Home Is Where The Crochet Is
Grandma Series 3: Dolls Galore


  1. i remember my grandma :'(
    my lola used to crochet and sew and do a lot of crafting too,., good thing it was passed on to my mom and to me as well,., its really nice if someone in the family lives on with this talent,., she is awesome :) free hand crochet is quite challenging
    thumbs up for lola viring
