
Tuesday 29 January 2013

Wedding Project 1: Cake Topper (WIP)

WIP means "Work In Progress," by the way :p

This year (so far), I am fortunate to have my crochet be part of 2 weddings. Both of them will be in March, but both of them are 2 different crochet projects. One is a crocheted pouch for the arrhae and the other is a crocheted cake topper.

The latter is not just any crocheted cake topper. It is an amigurumi version of the (soon-to-be) married couple! This is highly customized: from the hair to the gown and suit and tie. It'll be (I hope) like a mini-me of the couple on their wedding day!

This is a picture of my WIP last week. It's a cacophony of strings and body parts. From this pic, you kind of doubt if it will look like people :p
This is my WIP a day after I took the pic above. See the difference? Ain't it making sense now?!?
And yes, I gave my bride some dignity by giving her underwear :p The bride even has knees (even if it will eventually be covered by the long gown)! As of this afternoon, I'm already done crocheting the bride's dress and styling the hair on her head. The hair took me almost a day to style. I was following a specific style (imagine me looking at a picture of Maja Salvador, say, every 5 minutes). 

The cake topper will be around 8 inches tall. Watch out for the big reveal next month! 

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