
Sunday 17 March 2013

Crochet-Supportive Boyfriends Are Da Bomb

Yes, I still use "da bomb." No judgement :p

This is what you get when you have a crochet-supportive boyfriend.
Yarn. More yarn. He surprised me with yarn from Australia. They're from Morris & Sons: Estate 8-ply  made up of 100% Australian wool. Yum.
He is so crochet-supportive that he got featured in Craft MNL's website as a craft-supportive boyfriend. Check out the feature here.
Edited photo courtesy of Craft MNL. Original photo of me and Rob courtesy of Lea Dordas.
He is so crochet-supportive that he wants to crochet himself. Check out my blog entry about it here.
He is so crochet-supportive that this is not the first time he surprised me with yarn. Check out my blog entry about it here. I haven't used them, by the way. I'm still figuring out what project to make out of these. It has to be a special one!

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