
Monday 3 February 2014

Two Guys, a Girl, and Crochet!

This was my first crochet workshop for the year. Yep, there were 2 guys and a girl. It was cool :)
Here they are practicing the basic stitches.
And here they are with their first granny squares! Ta-da!
Those who join my crochet workshops and also those who want to learn crochet in general have different reasons for wanting to learn this craft. One of them, for example, wanted to learn crochet because it's a good finishing technique for paracord making. That's something I never knew before!
The men and their (pink) hooks.
Yes, I looked happy here. Welcome to the crocheting world!
If you are interested to join my basic crochet workshop, please fill out this form. Dates and cities are already final.

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